HADO HEALING is done by using the HADO machine called Kazutama Reiwa from Japan.
It measures and scans our Astral and Etheric energy fields, and calculates the disturbances of Vibration, known as HADO in your Body, Mind and Energetic fields.
Hado machine adjusts the Disturbances of Frequencies and it can perform corrections by placing a hand or any part of the body on it.
It can also Perform Corrections REMOTELY by means of Quantum Entanglement.
Change Your HADO, Change Your Life!
Water Carries Consciousness and Changes Our HADO
Hado Healing is based on the finding from the research done by late-Dr. Masaru Emoto, who published the series of "The Message from Water".
HADO is a Japanese word, that represents "VIBRATION".
Dr. Emoto discovered that Energy from Thoughts, Words, Actions can Harmoniously Manipulate the Structure of Water Molecules.
The energy directed at water by HADO machine clearly manipulates the structure of the molecules.
And, this is very significant discovery, because WE ARE 70% WATER!